Materials Required:
- Shallow dish - a tin foil pie dish is ideal, but any waterproof shallow container will do.
- 20 - 30 cm of string / cord or even old ribbon.
- Collection of leaves, petals, berries, cones, feathers for example.
- A very cold night! Or freezer (if Mum or Dad will allow you)
Fill the container about 1 cm deep with cold water. (if conditions are just below freezing over night even this small amount of water may not freeze).
Place some of your collection in the water - you can make a pattern or design or just place them randomly.
Finally add the string or cord so the ends are well into the water with the loop lying outside the con-tainer. This will give you something to hang your sculpture up with.
Place the container with water and additions out-side in the cold over night. (or in the freezer). Make sure the container is level and the wind cannot disturb it.
In the morning hopefully the water will have frozen. Carefully lift the sculpture out of the container and hold it up to the light.
Take a photograph of your work. Share it with your class.